
Showing posts from August, 2018

NISM Series VIII: Equity Derivatives Certification Examination

NISM-Series-VIII: Equity Derivatives Certification Examination Here is the story, When I was gone for “ NISM Series: V - A (Mutual Fund Distributor Certification)”,  I met with a friend who was come for this certificate i.e. “ NISM- VIII - Equity Derivatives”.  Just days before he had been placed in a brokerage form called “Angel Broking”. While I was talking with him, I  c ame to know that this  c ertific a te of the derivative is mandatory for those candidates who are interested in working in any brokerage firm. So, to increase my career scope, I decided to have this certificate as well. This is how I involved in this exam. The exam and exam pattern is mentioned below: NISM-Series-VIII: Equity Derivatives Certification Examination The exam seeks to create a common minimum knowledge benchmark for associated persons functioning as approved users and sales personnel of the trading member of an equity derivatives exchange or equity derivative segment of a reco

Assumptions in Technical Analysis

Given are the certain assumptions in technical analysis. 1.        The market discounts everything: This assumption says all the information which are known and unknown to the investor or trader do affect the price of the stocks. If there is movement in the price of a particular stock then we can consider that something has happened with that stock. Its means, if a stock breaks its previous resistance then it will be going up to some extent again. 2.        “How” question is more important than the “Why” question: “How” question is important than “Why”. The technical analysis is for the short term. So traders do not consider the answer to why, but the answer to how. How the price is reacting in the market. It will be moving up or down for a certain period of time. 3.        Market price moves in trend: This statement saying that the market price always moves in a trend.  Here, we could use Newton’s first law i.e. “ An object at rest stays at rest and an object in

Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis Technical analysis is the process of evaluation securities on the basis of different technical analysis indicators and identifying the trade opportunities on the security. It is different from fundamental analysis, which attempts to find out the intrinsic value of the securities. Technical analysis basically has done for the short-term investment purpose such investment for 2/3 months, intraday trading etc. It is mainly focused on the technical chart to determine the price movement of the security in the future. Different types of indicators can be used while doing technical analysis such as trade volume, moving average etc. About we will be discussing. The above-mentioned chart is an example of the technical chart. We can use different tools in this chart to predict the future price movement of any stocks. Further will be discussing in the next page...

About Me (The Author)

Hi Friends, This is Bikram Shah . I am studying in Chandigarh University Punjab, India in MBA 2nd Year with specialized in Banking & Financial Engineering (BFE). Recently I have been placed in Karvy Stock Broking Limited, Hyderabad, as an "Equity Adviser". I am quite interested in doing market research and to do the study about that. So, here I want to share my knowledge through this blogs. If you want to know more about me, you could visit: On Facebook On Linkedin On Youtube Either, you can mail me at Or, my contact mobile number: 8146556131